Have you ever wondered what has kept the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe safe to consume? For decades, UV light systems have disinfected food, water, and air in food-processing plants, schools, hospitals, commercial buildings, and more, making them safer to consume. We now finally get the comfort of the change to install UV light systems in residential homes! If you’re curious about how UV lights can protect the air you breathe in your home, our Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) experts at White Oak Heating & Cooling lend a helping hand in answering questions about the equipment’s benefits.
How Can a UV Lighting System Boost Your Home’s IAQ?
Outdoor air is naturally purified by fresh vegetation and the sun. However, with your home being sealed off from the outdoors, it is more prone to poor indoor air quality and the production of harmful pathogens and bacteria around your home if not properly dealt with. To ensure your family and the IAQ in your home stay safe and healthy, UV light systems are an option that can help protect your home. UV light protection kills house mold, bacteria, viruses, and germs by controlling or killing the pathogen’s host by releasing low levels of ultraviolet radiation.
Are UV Lights Difficult to Install and Maintain?
When UV light systems are installed into residential homes, they’re typically placed within the home’s air ducts and consist of one to three UV light bulbs. Because the evaporator coil produces so much condensation, it is best to place your UV light system near the area. Because of the amount of darkness and moisture near the evaporator coil, bacteria, mold, and other unwanted pathogens tend to grow more quickly.
To guarantee your home receives the best IAQ, our experts at White Oak Heating & Cooling suggest placing your two UV light bulbs near the evaporator’s outer tubing and one UV light bulb on the inside of the A-frame type evaporator. This allows the UV lights to purify the air that passes through the evaporator’s tubing. Furthermore, maintaining UV light systems is simple and essential. We suggest changing the bulbs out every two to three years, and can also be done during a yearly maintenance service call.
Our heating, cooling, and air experts at White Oak Heating & Cooling can revolutionize your HVAC system into equipment proficient in keeping the air you and your family breathe clean and pure. One call is all it takes for absolute home comfort; contact us today at (513) 342-8434, or schedule an appointment online by clicking here!